Sneak Peek!!!
Have you been wondering where I've been? Well - this is one of the jewels I've been working on over the last week - WHEW! And it's done! I didn't order the fancy graduation invitations from Hailey's school...well because that would just be WRONG! My only child needs something very very special and this was the ticket!
I used the NEW Betsy's Blossoms stamp set - coming out in the NEW 2012 catalog! Hailey likes bright and beautiful and that's just what I made her. These invitations were sent out to my I didn't have to make a ton of them. They are invitations to the graduation ceremony next Thursday.
The invite is a tri-fold - here's what it looks like when you open up the was really fun to use up some of the photos in her Senior Pictures book of proofs for this project.
Don't Stop Believin' is her class know from Journey...I still have that tune running through my head~LOL! I tried to fit her class moto in...but just couldn't find an appropriate place for it - I think it's really funny: GO BIG OR GO HOME!!! I used My Digital Studio software to type up all the words - it was so easy to customize exactly what I needed in a font that I liked.
Here's the whole invite open.
And the actual invite part - I love that you can add stamped images in My Digital Studio too - and make them any color or size that you need.
I had to wait for my invites to arrive at their various locations once I mailed them, before I could post. My mom is a subscriber and I didn't want her to see these before she got her very own!
I love using my personalized stamp on the envelopes so I can make the ink match too.
In other news...well it's finally DONE! The pool that is.
Remember this -
After alot of stress and hard word on hubby's party - it's officially fun, running and that heater is cranking! It's a long story and one I just don't want to rehash - it makes my blood boil. Let's just say the new pool store jacked me around for 11 days before the parts we needed to get the pool up and running arrived. When they were promised to me within 2 days...urghhhh! The owner asked me at one point to stop yelling at him...tee hee...he doesn't know what yelling is!!!! I was just talking really fast at a little elevated level - that was definately NOT yelling. Anyhoo - here it is - my OTHER baby....the pool...not the man drinking the beer!
And here's the new patio furniture that the man drinking the beer bought me for our anniversary (it's not until July 4th - but we have a big party coming up - soooooo)!
In more OTHER news....I have been slaving away on my kitchen this weekend. OMG....unbelievable the amount of hours I've spent and it doesn't really look much different than the last photos I showed you. I'll be sanding tomorrow and then painting with real paint - not primer. That's taken forever too!!! I will be sure to post photos as soon as I have something to show you!
Wishing you all a wonderful and safe Memorial Day - please remember our veterans and soldiers in your celebration today!
Thanks for stopping by...