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May 2011

Alaskan Cruise - Whatever Day???

I told you I would be concentrating on some food photos today - that is a HUGE part of cruising.  OH MY the FOOD!!!!  This is Drum Fish I think...I also had WaHoo (I'm sure I spelled that right) - they were both very good!  I had alot of fun trying new food - I even had frog legs!!!  And YES - they taste just like chicken - REALLY!  I also had the opportunity to try caviar - but just couldn't bring myself to do it - EEK!


Isn't this pretty?  It's so little - they really needed to give me two of them....growing girls need their sugar!

This is the butter for our rolls - everything is sooooo fancy.  I'm happy to report to my native Wisconsinites - this is GRASSLAND Butter too!!!!


I was honored to have dinner with Rich Jutkins, the president of Stampin' Up! and his wife Wendi, as well as another demonstrator and her friend (and dang it if I can't remember their names - I know - again SHOCKING!).  We ate in the SS United States restaurant - this is a special French dining room on the ship where you can make reservations for a very elegant meal.


Before our dinner, we were treated to a tour of the BRIDGE - this is where they drive the ship!!!

Here's Steve and I with the captain...and as you can see - I'm mapping out our next leg of the journey!  Now there's a scary thought!!!  Steve came up with some really good ideas to make our cruising experience a little more of an adventure....he told the captain that he ought to make a couple emergency stops and do a couple donuts!!!!!  I almost peed my pants laughing!!!!  His reasoning made alot of sense to me...."there's no chance of hitting anything!!!!"


Here are a couple of the appetizers - I'd rather call them that, than hor'odevors because I don't know for sure how to spell that!  Aren't they fancy???

I'm not sure what this is - but it took alot of work to make it...

This was my meal - steak and lobster.  Those french are known for their small portions - I could have used two lobster was delicious!

My new demo friend (the one I can't remember her name) had this dish.  It's venison - how beautiful!  I asked the waitress where that venison came from and it was NOT Wisconsin deer.  New Zealand Red Deer.

And now for gorgeous is this?  Steve thoroughly enjoyed it...

But I topped him!!!!  Check this one out???  It was a sampling of all the desserts on the menu!  Remember that comment about "the diet?"  YEA
 We received this little plate every afternoon in our stateroom.  Today it included caviar - and I just couldn't bring myself to try it - fish eggs - gross!


Here's a funny photo - well not really that funny when you know why Hailey is sooooo sad.  She was one number away from winning the Blackout Bingo game on our last day...the caller called 6 more numbers as she waited with that last number.  Here's the really sad part....the winner won $1400!!!!!  Boo!!!!


And now for a couple cards...this is suppose to be about stamping...right?  Perfect for all the men in your life!!!


Thanks for stopping by....

Alaskan Cruise Day 7

More photos to share with you....and I have to admit...I've lost my way on the "days!"  I'm so confused about the schedule at this point.  I'm home and as I look through my photos I don't know what's what - so bad!  I know you're all SHOCKED!!!  I thought this photo was Juneau - but now I don't think so.  Anywho - what a gorgeous view this city has - whatever it is!


I actually remember where this one is....we were cruising back between Juneau and Victoria, BC and here in the middle of nowhere is this little island with the lighthouse!


These photos are from the Dessert Extravaganza....and boy did I enjoy every bit of it!!!  YES - the diet (long overdue) has begun today!  After the cruise, ya know!


And somewhere in these foggy days we had a SHARE night!  Whoever wanted to bring something to share - just set out their stuff and let us photograph and ask questions - here's a couple fun projects. 

This first one is an insert for the back of your phone!!!!  You just need a clear cover and you're in business - how very creative!


Megan shared her magnetic board - I want one!!!


I'll be concentrating on food and other fun photos tomorrow!

Thanks for stopping by....

Alaskan Cruise Day 6

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Day 6 brought us into Skagway.  Again, just breath-taking!!!

Can you see the wheels turning here?  I know he's trying to figure out how he can get me to pack up and move here.....
We took a train ride today....first we boarded a bus for a tour where the driver made several stops for photo opportunities.  I can't begin to tell you the "hugeness" of this canyon or forge or I don't know what it's called...but it's sooooooooooo big.  These photos don't begin to touch how HUGE it really is.  It's one of those things that you have to experience in person to completely grasp it!


Here's a long distance photo of another waterfall...

And here's a "zoomed" view of it...

So we rode a bus up and got on a train for the ride back right through the valley. You can see the tiny little train in this photo...


Here's another train photo...

Here's another waterfall in the middle of nowhere...the trees look like little bushes, but they're really full size pine trees...


And now for a couple cards from the display boards...


Thanks for stopping by....

Alaskan Cruise Day 5

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Day 5 took us up the Tracy Arms Fjord - I went to my blog and deleted the little photos and replaced them with "normal" size photos.  I am home now, where I have GREAT internet service!!!  So if you'd like to see those photos - they are worth looking at again!  Go to:

After our trek up the Fjord - we headed into Juneau:

Where we took a ride on the Mt Roberts Tramway...


What an incredible view from our shopping excursion!

How cute is this Sock Monkey hat???

We headed back to the ship for some supper...what a fabulous view again!

And then I was THRILLED by my pillow gift - this is the softest blanket ever!!!


Thanks for stopping by....


Alaskan Cruise Day 4

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OMGosh – you guys – we woke up to the photos below!!!! I was actually up at 6 am!!! We traveled down the Tracy Arms Fjord on our way to see a glacier. Now, being a Wisconsin girl, the thought of seeing more “snow” didn’t do much for me, and those of you in snowy country know what I mean! It took us quite a while to travel down this passage….but I was all over the ship taking photos, trying to get that perfect shot. Seeing all the icebergs floating around was incredibly beautiful and sooooo serene.






If you look at the bank of snow in the crevice at the far side of this photo - that's a glacier!!!


Here's a close-up of that glacier...isn't is just incredible???


We were fortunate enough to have a narrator on board our ship during our journey down this Fjord.  He told us that the icebergs that were deep blue like the one below, are the ones that have fallen off the glacier most recently....stunning!

One of his quotes really stuck with me...I think it's really good advice for everyone...

"Never let your fears get in the way of your dreams."


There were waterfalls coming down off the mountain side everywhere!




Here's my friend Jane - she's only a couple balconies down from us...she had a BLAST with this moose hat!!!


And now for a TINY bit of's a couple more gorgeous Open Sea cards from the display board in the hospitality room:



I ran into a little bit of internet trouble....well first of all, it was down a lot yesterday...and then when I went to load this post - I found out I only had 1 minute of my package left....oh NO!  My darling Hailey used up all the minutes on FaceBook!  Then I spent an hour getting the next post ready and my internet connection was lost and I lost all my work too!  So I'm posting this from Windows Live Writer...which may mess with the size of my photos...sorry!

Alaskan Cruise Day 3

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So sorry that I haven’t posted….our internet service has been very sketchy while in port – WEIRD!  And darling Hailey used up my entire “GOLD” package on Facebook!!!!

We woke up this morning to a beautiful site…we were coming into Alaska’s first city – Ketchikan…


I don’t know what it is with these cruise ships…but they NEVER have Pepsi!  So if course this was FIRST on my mission for the day…ahhhhhh!  Nectar of the Gods!...


The scenery in the background of this little city is breathtaking!


All these buildings are little shops…


And what trip to Ketchikan would be complete if I didn’t show you the oldest brothel in the state!!!


We rode this tram up to the top to a little totem pole museum at Cape Fox Lodge.


We followed that up with a nice nap – cruising is hard work!  And a tropical drink…I KNOW…this is not a tropical trip…but it would be absolutely perfect if it were a little warmer and a little sunnier…so I dream!


We saw some dolphins and whales tonight before supper…it was soooooooo cool.  Should have some better photos for you tomorrow.


And now for  a tiny bit of stamping:


Our gift from Day 2 was a gift certificate to pick out 2 pairs of Maui Jim sunglasses – here are the ones I chose – they can be made into prescription glasses!!!


Thanks for stopping by....

Alaskan Cruise Day 2

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Today was rather quiet…well except for our Stampin’ Up! general session.  That was lots of fun!  There was the prize patrol…which I didn’t win…and we each received a sample pack of the new In-Colors – beautiful!!!  And then there was the NEW 2011-12 IDEA BOOK & CATALOG that each of us received – OMGosh!!!!  I can tell you – IT’S INCREDIBLE!!!!  I can’t however show it to you…I know…makes me sad too! 

I took a few photos today…mostly of silly stuff.  Like this one – Steve is searching for some sign of life on a fishing boat with his binoculars…

When I walked out to see what he was looking at…this is what I found…


It’s no different than at home!  He spills coffee all over the place…I snickered and he told me “coffee is slippery!”

Here Hailey and I are getting ready to go explore the boat…

Here’s all the peeps at the General Session…


And Shelli looking fabulous as always…


Here we are playing bingo…we didn’t win….but it was fun!


Hailey panning for gold in a tub of Stampin’ Up! buttons!!!

Our formal dinner evening…


And some beautiful projects from the hospitality room:


We saw some whales out in the ocean today….some were actually very close to the ship.  I didn’t get any great photos – or I’d be sharing them with you…hopefully tomorrow!

Our gift from Stampin' Up! last night was a couple gift cards to pick our sunglasses!!!!  I'll show you the sunglasses as soon as we get them!

Thanks for stopping by....


Alaskan Cruise Day 1

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I'm off on my adventure and wanted to share photos with you as we go...

Thursday night….Steve was ready to leave!  I bought us all those travel neck pillows….here’s his version of how to wear it!


Well…we made it to Seattle yesterday without too many problems.  Our flight out of Appleton was asked to stay on the ground because the planes were “metering” in Minneapolis – our connecting airport.  I don’t know what “metering” means – but it did make us do the “OJ” through the airport once we touched down!  Our flight to Seattle from Minneapolis was already boarding when we arrived…and of course it was all the way on the other end of the airport!  We made it….

Once in Seattle – we had to take a big charter bus to the pier to get on our ship…this was a little funny.  Our bus driver had just arrived from Miami and it was his first day on the job.  He couldn’t figure out how to get out of the airport!!!!  Seriously!  We went where buses shouldn’t be, had to turn around and finally got out of there.  It gets better…you think, well those big airports are a little confusing…so you give him the benefit of the doubt.  We are now in downtown Seattle doing circles…YEA…CIRCLE!  He has no clue how to get to the pier where our ship is!!!!!  SU Demo to the rescue…this lady asked if he needed some help and she actually told him where to go to get us to our ship!!!

Here’s Hailey at the airport….aren’t these bushes beautiful?

And here I am on our deck on the ship with a glass of…..PEPSI!  YIPEE!!!!  We were still in port at this point.

Here’s our room – before it’s too trashed!

Here’s the view as we are going out to sea…aren’t these mountains gorgeous!


We went to dinner last night – I ordered some chicken dish that I couldn’t pronounce even after the waiter repeated it 3 times….but it was REALLY good.  I had escargot (I’m sure I spelled that wrong…but you know what I mean) for my appetizer and Hailey tried shrimp cocktail!!!!  She said it was OK – that’s alright – she tried something new!!!

Here’s our first gift from Stampin’ Up! – we arrived back in our room to find it on the bed.  How cute is that???

I’ll try to check back later today or tomorrow morning – I hope I get some better photos to show you!

Thanks for stopping by....

Leavin' on a jet plane....


Don't know when I'll be back again....can you hear the music???  Of course I know when I'll be back!  I'm really excited about leaving though!!!  Headed for Seattle in the morning where I'll board a Celebrity Cruise ship and head north!

It's 12:50 am right now - I have to get up in 3 1/2 hours - but I just had to get one last post in before I hit the sack!  I wanted to THANK all of you for your support, your friendship and sharing your love of stamping with me!!!  I would never be going on this fabulous cruise to Alaska without your support!!!  THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!

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I'm hoping to share some photos with you while I'm away...yes I'm dragging my beloved laptop with's one of those things I just can't leave home without! LOL!

Since I'll be sailing all week...I wanted to share a couple cards that I made...that are sailing too!

Don't you just LOVE this new Open Sea stamp set?  Here's another version:

Are you lovin' that background...I made it!!!  I stamped the images in Basic Gray ink on Basic Gray cardstock.  Then I brayered my Perfect Details texturz plate (pg 215 #115962 $3.95) with Basic Gray ink and ran my cardstock through the Big Shot.  It's just that simple!!!  Give it a try - you'll love it!

Here are some of the products I used:

The Open Sea #123030 $26.95 Wood or #123032 $18.95 Clear

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If you'd like to place an order you can do it here:

Shop 24-7 

Thanks for stopping by....

Adorable Purse & Card Set Class


The BRAND NEW Playful Polka Dot Scrappin’ Kit (shown below) contains such bright colors and fun designs that I just had to come up with a class!!!   Join me and you’ll be able to make this GREAT project too!  You’ll receive ½ a Playful Polka Dot Scrappin’ Kit and all the extra supplies to make this ADORABLE purse card holder and 8 matching cards with envelopes. 



1)        Trinity Lutheran School, Menasha - Tuesday, June 7th 6:00 pm (sign up deadline May 30th)

2)        Hobby Lobby, Oshkosh - Wednesday, June 8th 10:00am (sign up deadline May 30th)

3)        MB’s Bakery, Omro  (sign up deadline May 30th) -Wednesday, June 8th 6:00 pm

Registration Deadline May 30th for all classes - I have to order these kits!

 COST:  $25

You’ll receive all the ingredient and cutting instructions with the class so you can recreate this project again and again!

CAN'T MAKE THE CLASS?  You can order the instructions, complete with a video showing you how to make the purse for $8.95 here:

Here's a view of the inside:


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BONUS….FREE INSTRUCTIONS – Everyone ordering this Scrappin’ Kit from me at classes, clubs or on-line will get the instructions for FREE!!!

If you’d like to order this scrappin' kit right away – please go to my Stampin’ Up! website and order on-line or you can order through me via phone or email!!!  Click the SHOPPING GIRL below to SHOP NOW!


Shop 24-7 
Thanks for stopping by....